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Faculty and students in CHNGES have worked in Southeast Asia, Europe, the Caribbean, Latin America, and the U.S. on several projects related to quantifying disturbances to karst terrains through disturbance indices and informal education. In fact, Dr. North completed the first comprehensive study of informal education at show caves through a data set from over 100 international and domestic show caves. Student Keith Semler is currently developing a Karst Tourism Disturbance Index! Additionally, members of our team have applied the well-known Karst Disturbance Index to sites in Vietnam, Puerto Rico, Kentucky, Italy, China, and Florida.

Show Cave Management

& Education

270-745- 5015

Western Kentucky University CHNGES

1906 College Heights Blvd., EST 304

Bowling Green, KY 42101

CHNGES is a Center of Excellence
within the WKU Applied Research and Technology Program. We are housed in the WKU Dept of Geography and Geology.

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